Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare Xbox One Patch Download
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- Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare Zombies
- Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare
Find great deals on eBay for call of duty infinite warfare xbox one. Shop with confidence. Skip to main content. EBay: Shop by category. Shop by category. Brand New Microsoft Xbox One Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Time left 6d 22h left. Or Best Offer +$3.50 shipping. A new update for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, version 1.04, is now live on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The file size is 850MB on PS4 and 1.03GB on Xbox One. Tags: Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Xbox One download free, Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Xbox One download free torrent, Call of Duty Infinite Warfare Xbox One. FIX IT: CALL OF DUTY INFINITE WARFARE CRASHING / FREEZING SOLUTIONS. ‘CALL OF DUTY INFINITE WARFARE’ XBOX ONE GRAPHIC/VISUAL BUGS. This will allow for it to automatically download the latest update for ‘Call of Duty Infinite Warfare’. Sometimes insufficient space on your hard drive may be the issue so ensure there is enough on.
YOLO modeSuccessfully complete the campaign on the Specialist difficulty to unlock the YOLO difficulty. In YOLO mode, you die just as quickly as you do on the highest difficulty, but when you die for the first time, you start the game from the beginning. Although you cannot reload checkpoints or restart after death, you can pause and save and exit the game to return and play it again later.
Getting Salvage points and crafting weaponsCall of Duty Infinite Warfare – Xbox One. By Torrents Games. Posted on June 26, 2016. Activision announced that Infinity Ward will be the lead developer of 2016’s Call of Duty game. Infinite Warfare was officially confirmed by Activision when they announced that the company would not have a booth at E3 2016, and that their products. One More Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare achieves native 4K resolution on Xbox One X Many gamers may have moved past Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare but the developer hasn't. A few hours ago, Infinity Ward released the patch notes for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’s Day One patch on reddit.The patch will be making a lot of changes to the guns, perks, scorestreaks.
Salvage is a new currency that you can earn multiple ways in Multiplayer mode. Salvage is used to craft variants of weapons (common, rare, legendary, and epic) to create new prototypes with bonus perks and abilities (such as improved damage, control, less recoil, and accuracy). To craft weapons, you must gain access to the Prototype Lab and unlock the base model of the desired weapon you wish to craft before you can craft its prototype versions. You can earn Salvage from Supply Drops. The amount of Salvage points you get depends on the rarity of the Supply Drop. You can also get it from duplicates you get from Supply Drops. The third way to get it is from completing challenges. You will get certain challenges (such as getting a certain number of headshots or kills) depending on the team you have joined in Multiplayer mode. You can keep track of the challenges in the top right corner. Higher level players get more Salvage points. Certain challenges are limited to certain types of weapons -- so keep rotating your loadout. Do not keep playing the game with the same weapons and loadout to complete more challenges and get more Salvage.
All weapon scan locationsSearch the indicated locations to scan all 22 weapons and get the 'Gun Nut' achievement. Five weapons are random drops from enemies while the other 17 have fixed spawn locations where you can always find them. If a weapon does not spawn, restart the mission until it does. Most weapons from enemies and armories are randomized. You can get all the missing collectibles using mission select (weapons scans, equipment upgrades, SDF Aces and Captains). After scanning a weapon, you must reach the next checkpoint for it to save. If you die, you have to scan it again. Four weapons are available from the start and cannot be scanned: NV4, EBR-800, FHR-40, Kendall 44 (which makes 26 total weapons). The way weapon drops work is that each enemy is assigned a weapon class. Their class stays the same but their weapon changes on each playthrough (for example, if they have SMGs they will change SMGs on each replay). When starting a mission, it will give each enemy of a class the same weapon. There are a few exceptions to this but in a lot of missions, like 'Operation Phoenix', you could keep killing the first two enemies over and over again. One always drops a different SMG, the other always a different assault rifle. It works the same way when you find an enemy with a shotgun. They have a chance to drop all the other shotguns as well. A weapon that might drop in the first mission for you may not drop until the last mission for someone else due to this randomness. Fix locations are used wherever possible in the video.
- 1. Karma-45 (SMG) - 0:05
- 2. Volk (Assault) - 0:05
- 3. Kbar-32 (Assault) - 0:51
- 4. EMC (Handgun) - 1:07
- 5. R.A.W. (LMG) - 1:27
- 6. F-SpAr Torch (Heavy) - 1:45
- 7. Mauler (LMG) - 2:18
- 8. Reaver (Shotgun) - 2:18
- 9. Type-2 (Assault) - 2:57
- 10. R3K (Assault) - 3:37
- 11. DCM-8 (Shotgun) - 3:37
- 12. P-LAW (Heavy) - 4:13
- 13. HVR (SMG) - 4:43
- 14. Ballista EM3 (Heavy) - 5:12
- 15. Eraser (Heavy) - 6:09
- 16. PRP Evo (SMG) - 6:09
- 17. Spartan SA3 (Heavy) - 6:54
- 18. Banshee (Shotgun) - 7:19
- 19. KBS Longbow (Sniper) - 7:52
- 20. Oni (Handgun) - 8:16
- 21. Erad (SMG) - 8:16
- 22. Titan (LMG) - 8:16
Search the indicated locations to find all 12 equipment upgrades across 9 armory locations. Find all equipment upgrades to get the 'Fully Equipped' achievement. The following equipment must be upgraded:
- Tactical: ATAD (V1), Hacking Device (V1), Retractable Shield (V1), Foam Wall (V1)
- Lethal: Frag Grenade (V2), Shock Grenade (V2), Seeker-Bot (V2), Anti-Gravity Grenade (V2)
There is a console in certain armories. Interact with it to unlock new upgrades. You can still obtain all upgrades after completing the campaign by using mission select. After getting an upgrade, make sure to reach the next checkpoint to save the progress. You can then quit out to the main menu and move on to the next location. You can check your equipment before missions when you customize your loadout. Simply load a Retribution mission, and during the loadout customization, check on your equipment (for example, 'Retribution: Aftermath'). You will see it says V1 or V2 on equipment items. Tactical equipment only has one upgrade (V1). Lethal equipment has two upgrades (V2). You get two upgrades in the Taken Dagger, Deep Execute, and Black Flag: Prisoner Escort missions. The other missions only give one upgrade. The upgrade you get is completely random. It is different for each player, but it is always guaranteed to give you a new upgrade you have not yet unlocked. Pay extra attention to the upgrade at location #3 because it is from a main mission objective. This one has been reported to be random or glitched since it does not always drop an upgrade. Just keep replaying the 'Port Armor: Boarding Party' mission to eventually unlock the upgrade. Note: Armories you have previously used will have a red lockdown screen; you will not be able to interact with them again.
- 1. Port Armor: Civilian Terminal - 0:05
- 2. Port Armor: Boarding Party - 0:34
- 3. Port Armor: Boarding Party - 1:16
- 4. Taken Dagger - 1:40
- 5. D-Con - 2:21
- 6. D-Con - 3:13
- 7. Deep Execute - 3:50
- 8. Burn Water: Refinery - 4:39
- 9. Black Flag: Prisoner Escort - 5:16
Search the indicated locations to find all 30 most wanted targets (pilots, officers, commanders, etc.) throughout the single player campaign. Eliminate all 30 most wanted targets to get the 'Ante Up', 'Aces High', and 'Royal Flush' achievements. Note: These 30 most wanted targets are separate from Admiral Salen Kotch, Akeel Min Rah, and Adm.
Vice Admirals
Vice Admiral Caleb Thies: Found in the meeting room in Operation Dark Execute.
Vice Admiral Vlad Derhachov: Found during the destruction of the ship at the end of Operation D-Con.
Battle Force
Cpt. Oren Emin: Found in the meeting room in Operation Dark Execute.
Cpt. Bradley Fillion: Found on the command deck of the SDF ship that is breached immediately after defending the Lunar Transport Hub in Operation Port Armor.
Cpt. Khosi Siyada: Found in the meeting room in Operation Dark Execute.
Cpt. Lt. Radoslav Barkov: Found inside the cargo bay of the Galaxius with hostages in Operation Taken Dagger.
Scouting Force
Sr. Lt. Attila Zalanyi: Found at the SDF Destroyer in Operation Safe Harbor.
Jr. Lt. Cesar Magana: Found as a SDF Ace Pilot at the end of Operation Phoenix.
Lt. Sang Yup Kim: Found at the SDF Destroyer in Operation Grave Digger.
Jr. Lt. Andrew Hawryluk: Found as a SDF Ace once you have escaped Icarius in Operation Dark Execute.
Outer Planet Squadron
Lt. Col. Damien Nichols: Found as a SDF Ace Pilot in Operation Sudden Death.
Wcdr. Ivan Perez: Found as a SDF Ace Pilot in Operation Grave Digger.
Col. Young Kim: Found as a SDF Ace Pilot at the very end of Operation Phoenix.
Maj. Nicholas Rado: Found as a SDF Ace Pilot at the very end of Operation Phoenix.
Belt Squadron
Cpt. Taras Emin: Found as a SDF Ace Pilot at the very end of Operation Phoenix.
Cpt. Hari Khalsa: Found as a SDF Ace in Operation Pure Threat.
Cpt. Rion Jones: Found during one of the SDF Aces Reyes encounters in Operation Blood Storm.
Cpt. Yenal Kal: Found as a SDF Ace Pilot in Operation Trace Kill.
Surveillance and Engagement
Sr. Lt. Khoa Le: Found during one of the SDF Aces Reyes encounters in Operation Blood Storm.
Sr. Lt. Sresh Malakar: Found as a SDF Ace in Operation Trace Kill.
Lt. Serozh Sarkisyan: Found as a SDF Ace at the beginning of Op D-Con.
Sr. Lt. Taylor Kurosaki: Found as a SDF Ace in Operation Trace Kill.
Lt. Rulon Raymond: Found as a SDF Ace at the beginning of Op D-Con.
Jr. Lt. David Schorn: Found as a SDF Ace in Operation Trace Kill.
Sr. Lt. Omar Gatica: Found as a SDF Ace once you have escaped Icarius in Operation Dark Execute.
Lt. Tom Szakolczay: Found as a SDF Ace in Operation Trace Kill.
Lt. Sergio Gil: Found in Operation Sudden Death.
Lt. Matthew Tovar: Found as a SDF Ace once you have escaped Icarius in Operation Dark Execute.
Lt. Karl Drown: Found as a SDF Ace in Operation Safe Harbor.
Jr. Lt. Moudy Hamo: Found during one of the SDF Aces Reyes encounters in Operation Blood Storm.
Unlock the Gold camo for all weapons in a specific class (e.g. Assault Rifle) in Multiplayer mode to unlock the Diamond camo for all weapons in that class.
Secret Black Sky camo in MultiplayerUnlock the Diamond camo for all weapons in Multiplayer mode to unlock the Black Sky camo for all weapons.
Unlock David Hasselhoff in SpacelandExit the spawn room and enter the central area of the park. Find the N31L robot in the middle, right before you reach the teleportation portal. Then, complete the following tasks to spawn David Hasselhoff and get the 'Hoff The Charts!' achievement.
1. Find N31L's missing head and return it to N31L to get him talking. The head is located on a candy cluster stand behind the central portal, to the right and before reaching the bridge. Note: The head may appear in more than one location.
2. Complete five of N3IL's random challenges. Accept N31L's challenges as they appear. A window in the upper-left corner will display the random challenge with a timer. The challenges are simple —- like 'Kill 5 zombies with melee kills' or 'Kill 12 zombies from a distance'. You will earn tickets for completing the challenges. After each challenge is complete, N31L's bar will fill by 1/5th. Complete all five to reach the next step.
3. Initiate the Knight Industries Protocol. After completing the challenges, approach N31L and press X to initiate the 'Knight Industries Two Thousand Protocol'. N31L will then fly away and bring back David Hasselhoff. He is an AI partner that follows you around and shoots any zombies that get in your way. David Hasselhoff was a popular TV actor in the 80's and 90's. He appeared in the TV shows Baywatch and Knightrider.
To unlock the Pack-A-Punch machine in Spaceland and get the 'Get Packed' achievement, you must first activate the four power switches and four portals throughout the map. Once you have activated the power, you can use the portals. Jump through each portal to return to the center of the map. After jumping through all four portals, you can use the teleporter in the center to reach the Projection Room. In this room is the Pack-A-Punch machine. You need 5,000 points to upgrade your weapon. There are two portals in the Oddysey Into Space district, one in the Kepler System district, and one in the Polar Peak district. This can all be completed by round 6-8 if you open only the required doors.
Unlock Weapon Of Rock in SpacelandThere are four Weapons Of Rock: Header-Cutter, Face-Melter, Dischord, and Shredder. You only need to unlock one of them to get the 'Rock On!' achievement. The description and video below show how to get the 'Shredder' weapon, which is the easiest one to unlock. You must acquire three parts to craft it. You will also have to turn on the power and unlock the Pack-A-Punch machine to complete all the steps below. Complete the following steps to unlock the Shredder:
- 1. Insert three red coins in the souvenir machine in the Kepler System district to get the first part (Medusa Device). Coins are dropped randomly by zombies.
- 2. Buy Gold Teeth for 300 tickets from the arcade room in the Journey Into Space district. You get tickets from playing arcade games and completing challenges.
- 3. Lure a Brute into the Alligator Trap in the Kepler System district. This will make the alligator's teeth fall out. Brutes spawn in rounds 10-12.
- 4. Replace the alligator's teeth with the golden ones. Hold X near the alligator trap.
- 5. Go to the outside area where the water fountains are located in Polar Peak district. Use the sunglasses that turn the screen black and white (they are randomly dropped by zombies) to see a boat in the water. There is a small item on the back of the boat that you must shoot off it.
- 6. Grab the boat item that you just shot off from one of the water fountains to get the second part (Battery).
- 7. Go to the Pack-A-Punch room and interact with the UFOs on the table to activate them. If done correctly, they will fly out the portal.
- 8. Use the Chromosphere Trap in the Kepler System district to kill 30+ zombies. Make sure a UFO is flying around the trap. If it is not there, you did not do the last step correctly.
- 9. After getting enough trap kills, the UFO will fly around the Kepler System district. Purchase the Arcane Core for 300 tickets in the Kepler System district and kill zombies with it near the flying UFO. It will suck in some blue orbs when done correctly.
- 10. After the UFO has absorbed enough souls, it will drop a Flame Core. Collect it, then shoot the box inside the Alligator Trap with the Flame Core (where you placed the Gold Teeth). Quickly run to the box, collect the third part (Red Crystal), and exit the trap before it kills you.
- 11. Finally, go to the underground area to find a sign where you must place all three parts to build the Shredder Weapon Of Rock.
Search the indicated locations to find all five power switches and restore power in the Spaceland Park:
Spawn Area: From the spawn area, go to the back-left corner of the area and enter the room located on the opposite side of the Quick-Revive Perk-A-Cola. When you are inside the room, interact with the box placed on the right side wall to activate the first generator.
Galaxy Journey: Enter the left side door of the Star Mission –- with the rocket ship visible on the backend. When you are in the area, hug the left side wall to find the generator before the Bumper Car area.
Kepler System: Unlock and enter the left area from the entrance to reach the Moonlight Cafe. When you are in this area, proceed towards the steps to find the generator on the exterior left wall.
Astrocade: Proceed right from the initial spawn area to reach the Astrocade Arcade area. When you are in this area, go right immediately after the gateway to find the generator next to a window.
Polar Peak Roller Coaster: After entering the Triton district, enter the roller coaster lobby, and go up the stairway. There is a door you must unlock that costs 1,250 points. Once you have unlocked the door, proceed while hugging the left side wall to find the generator next to a Perk-A-Cola.
Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare Ps3
Successfully complete the indicated tasks to unlock the Easter Egg in Spaceland:
1. Locate SETI-COM Parts: There are a total of three SETI-COM parts (calculator, boombox, and umbrella) you need to find. They spawn in one of three areas randomly each time. The first location the calculator will spawn is on the yellow bench on the right side of the center of Cosmic Way, right before reaching the Pack-A-Punch portal. The second location is on a yellow lunch table in the eating area opposite from the Chromosphere trap in Kepler System. The third location is inside a blue trashcan on the right-side of the upper floor, inside the Astrocade area. The first location for the boombox is the lower bridge outside the spawn, behind the yellow 'Proto-Popcorn' cart. The second location is in the underground tunnel's break room, on the kitchen counter next to the coffee machine. The room is on the path to the Kepler System. The third location is on the Moonlight Cafe counter in Kepler System. The first location for the umbrella is on the red bench near the slide, to the right of the bridge that leads to Polar Peak. The second location is in the Polar Peak gift shop, on the cash register counter near the ramp that leads up to the power switch. The third location is in Journey Into Space in the dark corner next to the Star Mission rocket ship trap control panel. Once you have found all three SETI-COM parts, give them to DJ Hasselhoff. He can be found in the DJ booth in Journey Into Space, down an alley behind Cosmic Tunes. Then, stay in the area and clear three more rounds to get the SETI-COM from DJ Hasselhoff.
2. Memorize the UFO Lights: You must memorize the order of the colored lights that appear on the UFO floating in the sky to the right of Polar Peak. These lights will appear on the next scene after turning in the SETI-COM parts to DJ Hasselhoff.
3. Charging the Secret SETI-COM: After obtaining the SETI-COM from DJ Hasselhoff, go to the following areas to charge it: Cosmic Way fountain, Journey Into Space entrance, Kepler System fountain near Gator Trap, Journey Into Space Rover Rampage Bumber Car area, Underground Tunnels break room/kitchen, Underground Tunnels below Astrocade, near Racin' Stripes. You can tell you are in the correct area if your screen starts shaking. Once you are in the correct area, place the item on the floor and eliminate zombies in its vicinity to charge it. Make sure you do not let any zombies harm the item or you will be forced to restart the entire process again. You must successfully repeat this process three times. The areas you need to go are random each time, but it will be three of those areas listed above.
4. Finding the Speaker: Once you have completed the above step three times with the SETI-COM, return it to DJ Hasselhoff and clear a few more rounds, then talk to DJ Hasselhoff again. DJ Hasselhoff will give you speakers. After you have obtained the speakers, place them in the glowing spots outside the Projector Room portal (Pack-A-Punch), and one on the steps in Cosmic Way.
5. Playing the Tones in Correct Order: After completing the above steps, each player in your team must interact with the speaker in order to play a tone of varying frequencies. You need to play them in such a way that the tones play in ascending order. Once you have done so, all four players must play the tones at the exact same time to cause a UFO to appear in the sky.
6. UFO Lights Puzzle: To complete this step, you need to use the noted color sequence you previously made of the UFO over Polar Peak. Interact with the speakers so you recreate the exact lights sequence on the UFO. Make sure you are careful and do not make a mistake in the sequence since it will cause a Brute to spawn and the light sequence to restart. Once you have completed the individual sequences, hit the switches at the same time to cause the Alien Boss to spawn.
7. Defeat the Alien Boss: The Alien Boss is difficult to defeat -- he has a huge health bar, and summons additional zombies while running toward your teammates. To defeat the Boss, you need to melee two fuses off the Boss' back. Each time a fuse is knocked off, the Boss' health will regenerate. An easy to way to defeat the Boss is by running from the Cosmic Way portal to the Spawn area. Run over the upper bridge, then back through the lower bridge, and finally around the Pack-A-Punch teleporter. Keep moving so he does not have a chance to push you, and the zombies will form a trail behind. Shoot him whenever possible, keep moving, and always try to land your shots so you do not waste ammo. Wonder Weapons also make the Boss battle easier. Killing the zombie will cause the Boss to pause as it summons more. This is the only way to slow him down -- so try splitting time between the zombies and Boss. The health indicator on the Boss goes from green, yellow, red as his health is depleted. Once the Alien Boss is defeated, it will drop fuses on the ground. You will also get an auto-nuke, max ammo, and 1,000 points. Make sure to grab the Alien Fuse from the Pack-A-Punch elevator, as it allows you to upgrade the Pack-A-Punch machine and get double upgrades for every weapon.
8. Destroy the UFO: The UFO will now follow the players and drop balls of electricity. From Cosmic Way, look at the back of the large circular Spaceland sign above the two bridges that link the spawn to the hub. There are five blue glowing lights in the back of this sign. To destroy the UFO, shoot each of the five glowing spots with any Wonder Weapon/Weapon Of Rock. When all five blue lights are shot and turn yellow, a discharge will fly into the sky. Note: Do not shoot the last colored light until the UFO is flying directly above the Pack-A-Punch portal. Once you change the fifth light of the sequence, a killer beam will appear and destroy anything directly above the portal. After destroying the UFO, the Soul Key will appear in front of the Pack-A-Punch portal. Collect it to complete the Easter Egg and get the 'Sooooul Key' achievement.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding weapon, perk, or power-up in Zombies In Spaceland:
NV4: Obtain from the mystery wheel, or wall for 2,000 points. It is a full-auto ballistic assault rifle with decent stability and accuracy. The weapon does suffer from a lower rate-of-fire which is why it is not ideal for close-quarter combat. It is best used for medium and long range combat.
R3K: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. It is a three-round burst energy rifle with good stopping power. It works well for helping to clear an area. It is best used for medium and long range combat.
KBAR-32: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. It is a full-auto ballistic assault rifle with a decent rate-of-fire. It works well for hip-fire and has extra stability for better accuracy. It works well for close-quarter combat.
Type-2: Obtain from the mystery Wheel for 950 points. It has the highest rate-of-fire in its class and can quickly kill zombies. Since the weapon is a full-auto energy rifle, you can quickly clear an area with it. This is one of few ARs that can do well in close-quarter combat.
ERAD: Obtain from the mystery wheel, or wall. It is a full-auto energy SMG with the best accuracy in its class. It is best used for close-quarter combat.
FHR-40: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. It is a full-auto ballistic SMG. It does not have too good of range, but it has an exceptional rate-of-fire.
Karma-45: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. It is a full-auto ballistic SMG with dual-magazines. It allows you to suppress an area on your own.
RPR Evo: Obtain from the mystery wheel, or wall for 2,000 points. It is a full-auto ballistic SMG. This weapon benefits from its ability to engage zombies at long-range -- better than any other SMG in the game.
HVR: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. This SMG benefits from its high damage output.
R.A.W.: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. It is a full-auto energy weapon that allows you to deal significant damage to zombies from long-range as long as you are able to conserve your ammo.
Mauler: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. It is the only full-auto heavy ballistic LMG in the game. This weapon benefits from a high rate-of-fire, allowing you to get in close and kill zombies with hip-fire.
Titan: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. This weapon is similar to the R.A.W. It is a full-auto energy weapon that allows you to deal significant damage to zombies from long-range as long as you are able to conserve your ammo.
KBS Longbow: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. It is one of the best weapons for getting one-shot kills. However, since rechambering breaks scope aim, you cannot use it to score multiple kills at the same time.
EBR-800: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. It can transition into AR form, providing you with a decent mid-range option if you get overwhelmed with zombies.
F1-41: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points.
Reaver: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. It is a semi-automatic shotgun with a high rate-of-fire. It fires multiple pellets that can eliminate multiple zombies at the same time –- even from a slightly longer distance for a shotgun.
DCM-8: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. It is a full-auto shotgun that can quickly kill multiple zombies.
Banshee: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. It is a pump-action sonic shotgun that has good stopping power and a decent rate-of-fire.
EMC: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. It is a semi-automatic handgun that works well for killing weakened zombies at close-range. You can also fire it slowly to inflict consistent stopping power.
Oni: Obtain from the mystery wheel, or wall for 750 points. It is a full-auto energy pistol that gets an increased rate-of-fire over time.
Hailstorm: Obtain from the mystery wheel, or wall for 500 points. It is a three-round burst ballistic pistol that can be fired rapidly.
P-Law: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points. It is a charged energy launcher that fires plasma charges that detonate upon impact and deal massive splash damage. It can be used to clear out large waves in seconds, but it have poor mobility.
GLC3: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 950 points.
Dischord: Obtain from the mystery wheel, or craft it. It is a Wonder Weapon/Weapon Of Rock and one of the better weapons in the game, but it is also harder to unlock.
Face Melter: Obtain from the mystery wheel, or craft it. It is a Wonder Weapon/Weapon Of Rock and one of the better weapons in the game, but it is also harder to unlock.
Header Cutter: Obtain from the mystery wheel, or craft it. It is a Wonder Weapon/Weapon Of Rock and one of the better weapons in the game, but it is also harder to unlock.
Shredder: Obtain from the mystery wheel, or craft it. It is a Wonder Weapon/Weapon Of Rock and one of the better weapons in the game, but it is also harder to unlock.
Forge Freeze: Obtain from the mystery wheel for 400 tickets.
Bomb Stoppers: Costs 2,000 points. It can be found in the Kepler System district and increases the blast resistance of the player.
Slappy Taffy: Costs 2,000 points. It can be found in the Kepler System district and makes the player's melee-attacks inflict additional damage.
Tuff Enuff: Costs 2,500 points. It is found in the Journey Into Space district and increases damage absorption for the player.
Bang Bangs: Costs 2,000 points. It is found outside the Water Park district and allows the player to deal twice the normal damage.
Up 'N Atoms: Costs 1,500 points in co-op and 500 points in solo. It is found on the backside of the spawn area and allows the player to automatically be revived once after dying.
Mule Munchies: Costs 3,000 points. It is found in the Journey Into Space district and gives the player a third weapon slot.
Racing Stripes: Costs 2,000 points. It is found in the basement's kitchen and gives the player increased sprint duration and fire while sprinting.
Blue Bolts: Costs 1,500 points. It is found in the Journey Into Space district and creates an aura of electricity around the player that damages all nearby zombies.
Trailer Blazers: Costs 2,000 points. It is found in the Journey Into Space district and creates a trail of fire behind the player after sliding which damages zombies in their pursuit.
Quickies: Costs 3,000 points. It is found in the Triton district and gives many benefits to the player: increased reload speed, faster ADS, quicker grenade throwing speed, faster barrier placements, and more.
Max Ammo: Allows players to completely refill their ammunition.
Insta-Kill: It lasts for approximately 30 seconds and allows all players to kill zombies with a single melee or ranged hit.
Infinite Grenades: Allows players to have unlimited grenades for a short period of time.
Nuke: An airplane drops bombs on the map and kills all zombie on the map.
Double Points: Allows players to earn double points from all point-yielding actions for approximately 30 seconds.
There are three types of souvenir coins: Blue, Gree, and Red. All three types are dropped randomly by zombies. You can only carry one souvenir coin at a time -- so once you collect one, immediately put it into a souvenir station. Souvenir stations are special reward vendors found throughout the map. They are vending machines with three large circle icons —- the circles display which type of coin you have inserted and in which order. Insert one of the following coin combinations to unlock the corresponding prize:
- Blue/Blue/Blue: Sentry Gun
- Green/Green/Green: Repocrator
- Red/Red/Red: Medusa Device
- Red/Blue/Green: Kindle Pop
- Blue/Blue/Green: Electric Trap
- Blue/Green/Green: Boom Box
- Green/Green/Red: Sentry Turret
- Green/Red/Red: Boom Box
- Red/Red/Blue: Fireworks
- Red/Blue/Blue: Window Laser Trap

Those are all the basic coin combinations, but certain souvenir stations drop unique crafting parts for the Wonder Weapons/Weapons Of Rock found in each section of the map.
- Polar Peek Souvenir Station - Green/Green/Green: Yeti Doll
- Kepler System Souvenir Station - Red/Red/Red: Alien Doll
- Astrocade Exterior Souvenir Station - Red/Blue/Green: Disco Ball
- Galaxy Journey Souvenir Station - Blue/Blue/Blue: Wonder Weapon Component
Note: If you are looking for certain items and do not want to get the Wonder Weapon stickers, make sure to use alternate souvenir stations, or just use the station in Cosmic Way.
Infinite Warfare Beta
To hear the secret Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare song in Spaceland, search for the Employee Of The Month boards. A teddy bear photo will be pinned onto one of these boards. Shoot it to randomly spawn another teddy bear photo on one of the other boards. Check the nine possible locations the three photos can appear:
1. Spawn Area: In the ticket booth where the Quick Revive (Up 'N Atoms) is located.
2. Astrocade: Go up the right stairs to the upper level and look in the zombie spawn window on your right. The board is on the wall across from the window.
3. Journey Into Space: Near the doors to Rover Rampage, look for a zombie spawn window with the 'All Dead' bloody message —- the board is on the wall opposite the window.
4. Underground: In the break room in the maintenance tunnels that lead to the Kepler System.
5. Underground: In the first room you reach when going into the underground from Kepler System. Turn right to see the board on the white wall.
6. Underground: In the second room you reach when going down into the tunnels from Kepler System. From the stairs, turn right at the bottom and look in the 'Employees Only' room. The board is on the right wall behind the movie posters.
7. Kepler System: Go up the stairs and turn right at the Chromosphere. Cross the bridge and look in the zombie spawn window on the left. The board is on the opposite wall.
8. Hyper Slide: At the top of the slide that leads back down to Cosmic Way, look for a brightly lit employee room behind a zombie spawn window to the left of the slide.
9. Polar Peak: Behind the counter to the right of the roller coaster ride boarding area.
Shoot the three teddy bear photos to hear a remixed version of the Modern Warfare theme.
Surviving higher rounds solo in SpacelandIn Scene 17-20+ while playing solo, go to the teleporter platform in the center of Cosmic Way (hub) and continuously run in circles around the portal to get the zombies to follow behind you in a large group. Always check your front and back before shooting. Even while turning to shoot them, always back-up. Once there is a large group of zombies behind you, sprint forward and dodge any incoming zombies, and periodically turn around and kill a few before turning to sprint and circle again. Do not try to kill too many at a time. If too many spawn at once, it will be difficult to dodge them if they run at you from the front. You need the zombies to stay behind you while you continue to sprint. When zombies drop power-ups, you can grab them as you circle the platform. This is an easy and safe method to avoid dying while playing solo. Watch out for the Nuke power-ups, as killing too many zombies at once could result in you getting surrounded since the zombies spawn from areas all around you.
Easy 'Brain Dead' achievementFirst, reach Round 10 in Spaceland and buy Up N' Atoms (quick revive) from the vending machine at the starting point. Then, let the zombies kill you in Round 10. You will respawn in a room with several arcade games. Interact with the same arcade game 30 times in a row. You do not have to actually play the arcade games, just interact with them and immediately quit out. It does not have to be 30 different arcade machines, just use the same one 30 times in a row to get the 'Brain Dead' achievement.
Easy 'C12' achievementYou must kill three C12 robots with a different type of kill each time to get the 'C12' achievement. You have to destroy two of its limbs (for example, destroy both arms with a rocket launcher). You have to destroy the right arm and jump on the C12 from above to perform the rodeo takedown. You must destroy the left arm and again jump on it from above to perform the rodeo takedown. There is a C12 at the start of the Operation Black Flag: Trap Is Sprung mission. After killing it with one of the three methods, wait a few seconds and restart the mission. Perform the next kill. Do this three times for all the required kill types. There are a lot of rocket launchers in the area for shooting off the limbs. It is recommended to do this on the Recruit difficulty. Note: This cannot be done by restarting the checkpoint since it saves the game when you destroy the C12 or jump onto it.
Easy 'Captain's Log' achievementDuring the Retribution: Aftermath mission, you will have to move some debris out of the way with your teammate. After that a cutscene will play. When the cutscene finishes, you will be in a room with a computer. Interact with it to get the 'Captain's Log' achievement. This is hard to miss because the computer is marked as an objective, but you can still ignore it and go straight to the bridge. If you go too far, you will get locked out of the room and have to restart the checkpoint.
Easy 'Danger Close' achievementAt the start of the Operation Port Armor: Boarding Party mission, you will be in outer space and can grapple enemies from afar (press L1 to use the grappling hook). This will pull the enemies towards you and instantly kill them. Since your teammates are killing enemies, you cannot get 15 kills the first time through the mission. After killing all the enemies and reaching the next checkpoint, restart the mission from the pause menu. Your kills will be saved and you can get more kills until you get the 'Danger Close' achievement, which should only take two runs through the mission. It is recommended to do this on the Recruit difficulty to make it easier since you do not die too quickly.
Easy 'Gravity Kills' achievementA few minutes into the Rising Threat mission (first mission of the game), you will enter a hostile spaceship. When you encounter the first large group of enemies, look for a crate with anti-grav grenades. Throw an anti-grav grenade on the ground. While you are floating in the air from the anti-grav grenade, kill an enemy to get the 'Gravity Kills' achievement. There are many opportunities to do this throughout the story. If you miss the opportunity to do it at this point, just customize your loadout before a mission to carry anti-grav grenades so you can do it during the mission.
Easy 'Insert Coin' achievementYou must interact with every arcade machine and play each sports game to get the 'Insert Coin' achievement. For the sports games, you have to win tickets to make it count. The sports games include Basketball, Black Hole, Cryptid Attack, Zombie Zoom, Bowling For Planets, Shooting Gallery, and Roller Coaster Ride. For the digital arcade games, you do not have to earn any points or tickets -- you can simply interact with them and immediately quit out. The arcade games are scattered across four locations. Turn on the power to make them all available to play at the following locations:
- Most games are found in the large arcade room in the Journey Into Space district. It has Basketball, Black Hole, Cryptid Attack, Zombie Zoom, Bowling For Planets, and many classic arcade machines. You must interact with every single machine in this area.
- Shooting Gallery is found in the Kepler System district.
- Roller Coaster Ride is found in the Polar Peak district.
- Several types of sports games and classic arcade games are found in the respawn room after you die. When playing solo, you need the 'Up 'N Atoms' perk to reach this room.
The only game you do not have to play is Ghosts 'N Skulls. If you do not get the achievement after you believe you have played all the games, play all the games again, especially the sports games. It is recommended to do this in Co-Op mode so one player can run in circles with the zombies while the other uses all arcade machines. The achievement will unlock for everyone in the party simultaneously. When doing it solo, leave a zombie crawler (throw a grenade near a zombie) and lure it far away.
Easy 'You Know Nothing' achievementAt the end of the Operation Black Flag: Trap Is Sprung mission, you will have a talk with Admiral Kotch. He will try to give a little speech, but instead you must press [Melee] (click Right Analog-stick) to instantly kill him and skip the speech and get the 'You Know Nothing' achievement. This is also an Easter Egg from Game Of Thrones. The actor portraying Kotch is Kit Harington, known for his role as Jon Snow in the Game Of Thrones TV show. The achievement title 'You Know Nothing' is a reference to the quote (and meme) 'You Know Nothing, Jon Snow' which the Wildling character Ygritte said to Jon in the TV show.
Easy 'Peace To The Fallen' achievementSuccessfully complete all main missions in the campaign to listen to the Death Letters Of The Fallen during the ending credits. You do not have to collect anything or play any of the side missions to do this. During the credits, you can press eight different buttons on your controller. Each button activates a different Death Letter that will be read to you. The buttons are displayed while the credits play. Do not take too long to do this or the credits may end before you could activate each letter.
Easy 'Reality TV' achievementAt the start of the Retribution: Back In The Fight mission, you will go up an elevator. After exiting the elevator, do not follow your teammate. Instead, go to the end of the hallway where some soldiers are watching TV. Stand near them and look at the TV for approximately 10 seconds to get the 'Reality TV' achievement.
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AchievementsAccomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:
- Rising Threat (15 points): Complete Rising Threat.
- Black Sky (15 points): Complete Black Sky.
- Operation Port Armor (15 points): Complete Operation Port Armor.
- Operation Burn Water (15 points): Complete Operation Burn Water.
- Operation Dark Quarry (15 points): Complete Operation Dark Quarry.
- Operation Black Flag (15 points): Complete Operation Black Flag.
- Operation Blood Storm (15 points): Complete Operation Blood Storm.
- The Longest Day (100 points): Complete all Single Player missions on Veteran.
- Operation Taken Dagger (15 points): Complete Operation Taken Dagger.
- Operation Phoenix (15 points): Complete Operation Phoenix.
- Operation D-Con (15 points): Complete Operation D-Con.
- Operation Deep Execute (15 points): Complete Operation Deep Execute.
- Targets of Opportunity (30 points): Complete all ship boarding side missions.
- Operation Safe Harbor (15 points): Complete Operation Safe Harbor.
- Operation Pure Threat (15 points): Complete Operation Pure Threat.
- Operation Grave Robber (15 points): Complete Operation Grave Robber.
- Operation Sudden Death (15 points): Complete Operation Sudden Death.
- Operation Trace Kill (15 points): Complete Operation Trace Kill.
- Top Gun (30 points): Complete all Jackal-only side missions.
- New Gun Collector (15 points): Scan your first weapon!
- Serious Gun Collector (15 points): Scan 10 weapons.
- Gun Nut (30 points): All weapons scanned.
- Peace to the Fallen (30 points): Listened to all of the death letters of the fallen.
- Make it Personal (15 points): Load out with a custom weapon.
- Gear Up (15 points): Find your first equipment upgrade.
- Fully Equipped (30 points): Earn all equipment upgrades.
- Fangs Out (15 points): Earn your first Jackal item (weapon or upgrade).
- Jackal Ace (30 points): Earn all Jackal weapons and upgrades.
- Ante Up (15 points): Get your first kill on the most-wanted board.
- Aces High (15 points): Clear half of the most-wanted board.
- Royal Flush (30 points): All SDF Aces and Captains killed.
- Danger Close (30 points): Kill 15 enemies with a zero G grappling hook.
- Captain's Log (15 points): Use the computer in the Captain's office.
- Sticker Collector (30 points): In Spaceland, find all of the quest items and complete the sticker pack.
- Sooooul Key (30 points): In Spaceland, recover the piece of the Soul Key.
- The Bigger They Are (15 points): In Spaceland, defeat 5 Brutes in one game without dying.
- Rock On! (15 points): In Spaceland, craft a Weapon of Rock.
- Get Packed (15 points): In Spaceland Pack-A-Punch a weapon.
- Batteries Not Included (15 points): In Spaceland, create an Exquisite Core.
- Insert Coin (15 points): In Spaceland, play every Arcade game at least once.
- Brain Dead (30 points): In Spaceland, play 30 games and get to scene 10.
- Dominion (5 points): Win 5 online matches in Multiplayer.
Additionally, there are eight secret achievements:
- You Know Nothing (30 points): Kill Kotch before his speech ends.
- Reality TV (10 points): Watch a news cast.
- Boots on the Ground (15 points): Go 2 minutes without double jumping or wall running in a mission where these abilities are available
- Peek-a-boo! (15 points): Kick open a door, peek open a door, and throw a grenade while peeking a door.
- Gravity Kills (15 points): Kill an enemy while floating in your own anti-gravity grenade.
- C12 (15 points): Kill 3 C12s all 3 ways in one playthrough (right rodeo, left rodeo, and self destruct)
- Hoff The Charts! (15 points): In Spaceland, unlock David Hasselhoff.
- I Love the 80s (15 points): In Spaceland, find the MW1 and MW2 songs.
You need Windows 10 version 1607 (OS Build 14393.351) to download and install Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
Additionally, your device must be running a 64-bit version of Windows 10. If you have a 32-bit version, you won’t be able to play Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.
To see whether you're running an appropriate version of Windows on your device:
Infinite Warfare Codes Xbox One
- Go to Start, type 'About your PC' and then select it.
- Look under PC for Edition to find out which version and edition of Windows your PC is running.
- Look under PC for System type to see if you're running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows.
Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare Zombies
If you don't see a version listed, you need to update before you can download the game. There are a couple of ways you can do this:
- Go to Start, select Settings, select Update & security, and then select Windows Update. See if any relevant updates are available.
Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare
Note If it's been less than 31 days since you upgraded to Windows 10, you won't get the update right away. This is to allow you to go back to your previous version of Windows if you choose. After the 31 days have passed, your PC will automatically download the latest update.